• XperTeleConsult™

    Empowering You with Expert Objective Medical Opinion – Secure, Reliable, and Anytime, Anywhere.

Smart, Proactive, Informed Second Opinions
From Top Doctors.

What We Do

Improving Health Outcomes by Empowering Patients in Informed Medical Decision Making

Streamlines the process of obtaining a medical second opinion by connecting patients, veterans, employers and insurance adjusters with independent expert physicians. Our innovative technology platform synthesizes medical data into a convenient report and efficiently delivers it to physicians.


Through the cutting-edge technology of its XperTeleConsult™ system, Second Opinion Expert allows users to store and share subjective health-related information along with objective medical data. Read more »

Independent Medical Evaluation

We manage your entire medical condition assessment process by connecting you with a physician in our expert panel, confirming your appointment, and submitting and securing the delivery of your report using our technology platform. Read more »

Software as a Service

We have developed solutions to help healthcare providers implement a telemedicine solution focused on bringing doctors closer to patients, letting them interact seamlessly and arrive at the best treatment plan. Read more »


Our web-based solution provides the freedom of mobility for cardiologists and referring physicians, regardless of their physical location ultimately providing improved patient care. Read more »


Ananda Foundation is a non-profit organization committed to bring innovation in Healthcare management to the lives of people by providing medical services online (Telemedicine) for deserving neurological patients from all over the world. Read more »


We provide a convenient site to store and access all of your health information and medical records. Read more »


Improving Healthcare. Reducing Costs

OPTIMIZE TREATMENT & AVOID UNNECESSARY RISKS Beyond the diagnosis, a second opinion provides us with a chance to ask questions, understand the options, and help in deciding whether to proceed with a potentially risky therapy or not and thereby restore confidence that the treatment plan recommended is appropriate.

COST SAVING FROM AVOIDING UNNECESSARY SURGERY Good medical services provide smart, proactive, and informed choices that patients can trust with confidence.

FROM THE COMFORT OF YOUR HOME The advantages of second opinions are many: financial, physical and psychological. Providing these services remotely via our cutting-edge HIPAA-compliant technology, XperTeleConsult™ system, will improve patient access to medical care and no need for fixing appointments, waiting at the clinic, privacy, etc.

IMPROVE HEALTHCARE OUTCOMES Second opinions have been found to bring down cost of healthcare and reduces misdiagnoses.


Hear from the experts

This is what the experts say about our platform.

  • "A company like SecondOpinionExpert is much more likely be able to control healthcare costs at least through the reduction in the number of unnecessary examinations."Dr. Peter J. Julien

  • "We are a part of a whole change in the paradigm of how medical care is to be delivered in the 21st century."DR. Mark K. Urman

  • "SecondOpinionExpert can provide patients with a very quick and very relatively inexpensive Second Opinion."Dr. Joshua Ellenhorn

  • "There is no emotional tie to the case, there is no economic connection between the doctors, I think this make it much clearer opinion to get."Dr. Jonathan I. Macy

We have lots of milestones

We have lots of stories to inspire you!

300+ Highly Qualified Physicians

30+ Medical Specialties

10+ Telemedicine Solutions

15+ Recent Partnerships


Access to over 300 highly skilled physicians spanning across 30+ specialties,
specially handpicked by our expert panel of seasoned medical professionals.

  • Sant P. Chawla, M.D.
    Sant P. Chawla, M.D.
  • Noam Z. Drazin, M.D.
    Noam Z. Drazin, M.D.
  • Naras Bhat, M.D., F.A.C.P.
    Naras Bhat, M.D., F.A.C.P.
  • William A. Tyndall, M.D.
    William A. Tyndall, M.D.
  • Caroline Kim, M.D., M.P.H.
    Caroline Kim, M.D., M.P.H.
  • Babak Larian, M.D.
    Babak Larian, M.D.
  • Pablo R. Pazmino, M.D.
    Pablo R. Pazmino, M.D.
  • Vishal Banthia, M.D., F.A.C.S.
    Vishal Banthia, M.D., F.A.C.S.
  • Nicholas L. Schenck, M.D.
    Nicholas L. Schenck, M.D.
  • James J. Salz, M.D.
    James J. Salz, M.D.
  • Lorne S Label, M.D.
    Lorne S Label, M.D.
  • Andrew B. Newman, M.D.
    Andrew B. Newman, M.D.
  • Venkatraman Sadanand, M.D.
    Venkatraman Sadanand, M.D.
  • Robert N. Wolfe, M.D.
    Robert N. Wolfe, M.D.
  • Neil K. Kaneshiro, M.D.
    Neil K. Kaneshiro, M.D.
  • Anita Kaul, M.D.
    Anita Kaul, M.D.
Browse Our Physicians


Hear from a beneficiary about our Second Opinion service.

  • Working in partnership with SOE we have found that they have exceeded our expectations both on the technology aspect and in the way they have delivered a highly personalized and cleverly optimized service which makes obtaining medical opinions a positive and simple experience for my staff, and helpful to our other channels, and at the same time saving significant time and money.

    Karla Kirkling

    Chicago Public Schools

  • We began this veteran's claim after he was referred to me during 2009, he had tried to get help from the VA since 1973 never getting help with many filings, we achieved getting him some help but not before his home and cars were repossessed and he was forced nearly to live on the street with his wife and child. Once we got the VA to co-operate a little bit and give in to his unemployable work status he was able to not live on the street but recover a bit but not all of his Veterans Benefits’, YOU SIR HAVE HELPED THIS MAN.

    Ronnie N. Imel

    Ranger Hall of Fame

  • The Second Opinion Report of my husband was very informative and beneficial.
    My husband and I thank you for your generosity in doing it. My overall experience with the Patient Platform was very positive. The system was user friendly. . The site is fantastic, and I would be happy to recommend it.

    Veteran's Beneficiary

    Cloverlane Foundation


    We've had the good fortune of being associated with some fantastic partners.
    Following are some of our creative Partners and Alliances.


They have written about us!